Our day of thanks spent with family and friends has come and gone all to quickly but lasts forever in our memories. Thanks for Pop-pop for the pictures, blurred or not they're perfect.
We've been filling our days with various activities to keep busy. I find that if we go out and do an activity each day it's seems to be a brighter day for all of us. Even if it's just a walk to see the birds, which Evan loves. You'd think Angels were flying over us when sees the ducks fly by. It brings a smile to my face everytime and reminds me to slow down and enjoy the little moments. On our walks Emma has been bringing a bag of carrots because we so frequently see bunnies. She spots them like a hawk, crouches to her knees, takes out a carrot and calls the bunny. To date none have braved the hop over but we always leave a few behind for them to nibble on. This week would be the first week, in I don't know how long, that we've just hung at the house because we're all still recovering from being sick. Little Evan is still nursing a wicked cough that I wish would go away. Nonetheless he's a ball of energy and would rather scale the walls than rest. Ahh to be young again. I love you Bees (Ben Emma Evan Shannon)!